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Showing posts from 2013

What Should I Read?

Like one of Douglas Adam's characters in the Dirk Gently series, I truly believe that the time spent in commuting is better spent in doing something worthwhile, so you can multitask. And just like the fellow in the story used to record his thoughts on a tape recorder and then have his steno type them out for him later - here is an attempt to write a post through a dicta-phone while driving from Delhi to Gurgaon and then converting it to text. Many times my students and other people ask - what should I read. What should one read? .. A lot of times I give some perfunctory answer and let that question pass. Or sometimes I give a very generic response to this question. But mostly I am not very comfortable when confronted with this kind of a question. And although I have always had this sense of discomfort, I was not sure why it was so. Recently, again, one of the students asked this question, and I decided to think a little bit more about it. Now when I started thinking about it, ...